Tuesday 29 March 2011

I've got my Prom dress!

Oh my god I'm so exciteddddddd ah I have my dream prom dress and I am just so so happy. My dads birthday is on Thursday and we are going out to Nando's and the cinema to see Limitless. On Sunday (I think) it's mothers day, and on the 12th April it's my mummys birthday :)

But back to the dress! Ah I love it, it's made me really excited. I thought it would be really clingy but it's so soft and comfortable <3 hello bootiful. And I'll be able to wear it one evening in Turkey because it's not too formal. So now I just need to make sure I'm having a good hair day for prom :)

So weird though, I was thinking (while eating my peanut butter bagel) 'ugh I'm such a fatty, and I'm not doing anything about it!' So now I've tried on the dress, I'm going to start a pre-prom diet type healthy eating regime.

Today I ate:
- two slices of toast (breakfast)
- a croissant (break)
- a fruit bar (break)
- crisps (lunch)
- babybell (break)
- peanut butter bagel (after school lol)

SO FAR. And that's not including my din dins, oh lorddy lord lord! But that is a bad day, because recently I've been terrible! I can't stop eating.
So tomorrow/whenever I blog, I will write what I've eaten wo ooOOooOOoo party.

Also, Lauren found her textiles PHEW, didn't tell you she'd lost it but hey ho. Also the people in my book ROOM were saved. HALLELUJAH! But now I don't know what's going to happen oh no!
I'm rambling, ok work time. BYE!

1 comment:

Queen Retard said...

Hey there stranger! I've got my prom dress too! It's emerald green, strapless, long and the material is taffeta (or something like that). I'm matching it up with silver accessories and shoes.

I'd love to know what your dress looks like! :D Do you have any ideas for hair coz I haven't got a clue what to do with mine. =S

your fellow stranger, NinaLovesChocolate :) x.