Wednesday 18 April 2012

Painted my nails :)

They're like a bluey pinky colour.
I want to print out lots of polariods tonight..

I hope it works. Bubi xXx

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Sunday 15 April 2012

I feel so moody

but I don't want to talk to anyone about it cause everyone's annoying me or I don't want to be annoying.

I'm mostly just really angry at myself and then I start eating cause I don't know what else to do UGH ergjkfghghkfghfkjghfkjghkjgkjhgf

What is wrong with me why do I feel like this :( Sad. 

You are of infinite worth

You are beautiful, magnificent and best of all, you are loved.

Friday 13 April 2012

Happy Chlo

I'm soooo soosososo happy with my life right now. I love my friends, my family, my best friends, my boyfriend, my sister, my parents, my puppy and my dog!!!!!!!!!! I'm so lucky :)

Wednesday 11 April 2012

I'm very sad this morning, so many things are annoying me right now I don't think I can say I'm 100% completely happy with anything in my life... how sad 

I blame everything I'm feeling entirely on exams and revision for exams though, without them I'd be fine and dandy. 

Friday 6 April 2012

Spring/Revision playlist

I'm drinking a well deserved cup of tea after about 3 hours of sorting out dis bladdy timetable for my exams. It is now complete hoho! And I also made a revision playlist, mainly for Spring and the car rides to school but its just a bunch of my fave songs to save me always going onto youtube ehehe.


I wrote this aggeess ago at like 10 or something and then my computer turned off. So I left it. I'm in bed now texting Sam and relaxing. I watched Jersey Shore earlier and then a bit of Juno, I am going to get up at 8 today so I can start revising at 9 and get ready for work at 12 (I'm going to wear my new purple blazer. Then I'm going to work 1 til 7 then come home, shower and fake tan :))))) In preparation for Easter woooo and seeing Sam :)))))

Happy Chloe is happy.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Marina and the Diamonds

Hello blog :)))

I love Marina and the Diamonds at the moment. Especially her new song 'Primadonna'. Just went a little bit mad with pictures but I think she's my new girl crush :))))))) and I love Marylin Monroe too so she's like our very own real life primadonna hehehe.

I am so proud of myself I've sorted out all of my English work, The Great Gatsby, Keats, Tennyson and Enduring Love is now all filed and perfectly neat ready for me to crack on with revision. So happy yay :D And later I'm going to dress up and get ready for Graces and take lots of videos and pictures so I can make a new youtube video and just have fun lyk da old dais :P 

I just had a yummy cup of tea now I think I'm going to read over my Geography unit 1 book and make notes if needs be. Happy Chlo :))))))


Tuesday 3 April 2012

I'm soooooooo tired

My arms and legs ache so much from work haha. We're having fajitas for dinner though so it's alright :)))))) I'm going to have a good night sleep tonight and tomorrow I'm going to see Lauren and Grace and sleep at Graks :) YAY.

I went to Sams last night for a sleepover and we watched An Idiot Abroad and went on a walk. He got annoyed cause I wore high heals woopsie.

Monday 2 April 2012

You look delicious, like a really juicy peach

This world needs more Sinatras and less autotune pseudosingers x2

I'm feeling low today :(((( It's such a shame because the weather is so sunny. Also I'm having a real problem where I'm eating when I'm bored or just because it's a meal time, rather than when I'm actually hungry. Like now for example, I'm not hungry for breakfast but I know I'll get downstairs and eat.

Phoebes show was good last night, it was FAME and she was the dance teacher. Also I finished my History timeline and did some Gatsby and some Business :))))) (on cash flow... borin :P)

I'm not really sure what my plans are for today, I'm going to do a bit of Geography and then probably some more Business and make some report card things for History dates.

Sunday 1 April 2012