Tuesday 29 March 2011

I've got my Prom dress!

Oh my god I'm so exciteddddddd ah I have my dream prom dress and I am just so so happy. My dads birthday is on Thursday and we are going out to Nando's and the cinema to see Limitless. On Sunday (I think) it's mothers day, and on the 12th April it's my mummys birthday :)

But back to the dress! Ah I love it, it's made me really excited. I thought it would be really clingy but it's so soft and comfortable <3 hello bootiful. And I'll be able to wear it one evening in Turkey because it's not too formal. So now I just need to make sure I'm having a good hair day for prom :)

So weird though, I was thinking (while eating my peanut butter bagel) 'ugh I'm such a fatty, and I'm not doing anything about it!' So now I've tried on the dress, I'm going to start a pre-prom diet type healthy eating regime.

Today I ate:
- two slices of toast (breakfast)
- a croissant (break)
- a fruit bar (break)
- crisps (lunch)
- babybell (break)
- peanut butter bagel (after school lol)

SO FAR. And that's not including my din dins, oh lorddy lord lord! But that is a bad day, because recently I've been terrible! I can't stop eating.
So tomorrow/whenever I blog, I will write what I've eaten wo ooOOooOOoo party.

Also, Lauren found her textiles PHEW, didn't tell you she'd lost it but hey ho. Also the people in my book ROOM were saved. HALLELUJAH! But now I don't know what's going to happen oh no!
I'm rambling, ok work time. BYE!

Sunday 27 March 2011

Cucumber face mask

I love Sundays so much, especially when they're sunny and warm. The birds are singing and tweeting and having a lovely time, I am doing revision and taking a 5 minute break, just had some food NOM NOM.

Also I woke up with really bad skin (probably from how unhealthy I've been this week) so I put on a cooling face mask and it was groovy.

Today I want to:
- Find my French writing
- Print out my work experience letter
- Print out English stuff from yesterday
- Print out finalized French writing
- Watch an episode of One Tree Hill/Chuck or The O.C
- Oh wow I really want to watch the O.C now
- Go to Sophie's to see her new cat
- Revise Biology and Geography 

COOL PLAN CHLO! Uh oh 12 minutes remaining, where is my charger?!?!?

Saturday 26 March 2011


Today is the 26th March 2011. At 8.30pm it will be Earth Hour. This means that all over the world, lights are being switched off and candles are being lit. I'm really excited and I'm actually going to do it. In the video below it shows places in New York and Paris (like the Eiffel Tower) being switched off from the years before.

On youtube everyones comments are like 'oh but the candles will produce CO2 emissions' and complaining about how we're saving the Earth but we don't even know how to look after ourselves yet? Fair enough, but they don't have to be so hypocritical about everything when they are writing those comments on a computer which is generating energy just the same as anyone else? Lol it's just to raise awareness. SO HERE YA GO it's really uplifting.

Song: Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap 

This weekend has been lovely, Lauren has stayed over since Thursday and we've had Indian, Chinese, pizza, croissants, you name it, if it's unhealthy and fattening - it's been in our mouths. Grace was over on Friday too and that was groovey poovey we sat on my kitchen floor for ages just talking until our bums went numnumnum bum bum num. 

Just some sexy pictures for you, he he he. The house is all squeaky clean and I am ready to begin REVISING YAY -.- LOL actually I'm going to watch Easy A on the internet and procrastinate woo partay. 

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Chris Ayer

Replied to my fb message <3 WOO LOVE HIM SO SO MUCH

So lets slow it down and just take it back

Hi, hello this is Meezy and I really want to hit that. I'll send you kisses via text when you're far away. Waynes world, party time, excellent, every day.


So yeah if you don't know what I'm talking about, four words. Skinny bitches, fat bitches.

Monday 21 March 2011

Sunday 20 March 2011


Never been so happy and proud and excited before.

This weekend was wonderful and here are a few snaps to give you a brief idea of how delightful it was. We had tea and penguin biscuits and bit off the ends of it and used it as a straw. 
And we made Toad in the Hole. 

This morning was the best though because we tidied ALL of Lauren's room (there were cobwebs everywhere) and it was spotless when we left at about 2ish. I LOVE SPRING CLEANING! Lauren and Grace are coming to mine on Friday and were doing the same thing and cooking and stuff......ah :)

Thursday 17 March 2011

Really excited about this weekend

I'm going to Lauren's with Grace and we're exchanging Christmas presents.... IN MARCH...lol?!?!?!?

I've also decided I'm going to do all my homework tonight. So that's Physics, Maths, English and Business. I can't do my physics though, I honestly don't understand it?! Oh well, better get on with my Maths.

Tomorrow in Art our class is allowed to bring in our own mugs and we can have tea! I might bring in digestive biscuits too, mmmhmm.

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Just had the most manic hour of my life. All of my ICT was corrupted and I couldn't get any of it up to print or save. I don't think I've cried that much in such a long time, it was horrible!
My nose/eyes still have a pulse.

1 hour later:
Hi. Just had dinner. Feel better, I was able to print out some of it. Still need to pray I've saved P5 onto my computer at school, listening to Chris Ayer. hehe

I have a fake on Facebook what the hell. It's been there so long and it won't get deleted I am so angry.

1 hour later:
Unsuccessful in completing maths and it's taking forever I just want to watch Chuck and sleep

Monday 14 March 2011

Chris Ayer

I have got a new man in my life. 
His name is Chris and he has a beautiful voice. 

I've been listening to him all evening, he's making me calm and warm. It's nice, because his voice is so clear and gentle, perfect for me. Definitely want to see him when he tours in July. 

I hope he doesn't get too famous though because so many people always post videos from You tube onto Facebook and then people start liking certain music because they think it's 'cool'. Nevertheless he deserves to be more noticed. Some of his songs have like 90 views on You tube. 

Favourite songs are: Warmer, Stranded, Relativity, and Evaporate

I'm so happy and content. I wrote in my diary today because it's more private and I let out some feelings I've been keeping in. It felt really nice. 
I've also found my ICT folder and all of my old work. A big load has been taken off my shoulders now, and I just need to print of several things, and I shall be content with life. 

Tuesdays are my favourite days, so I'm going to go to sleep now so that it comes sooner. I love everything and I am so grateful for everything. This Chris guy must be doing something right because he is already a big influence in my life.
I abso-positiv-ilutely adore him. 

Sunday 13 March 2011

You said it again my hearts in motion

This weekend has been so lovely, and now I'm finishing off my homework and printing out lots of work. Ah I'm so relaxed and happy. Listening to Terrified by Katherine McPhee and Zachary Levi. It is amazing, just the type of song I love for years and years. 

This could be good
It's already better than last
And nothings is worse than knowing
You're holding back
I could be all that you needed
If you let me try

You said it again my hearts in motion
Every word feels like a shooting start
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark
And I'm in love, and I'm terrified
For the first time in the last time
in my only (life)

Also, in English on Friday we have cake Friday, and Briony, Lydia and Juliette made cakes and put EN-gLi-SH on each of the cakes and Ms.Holmes loved it and took a picture on her phone. I love our English class so much :D And the cake was delicious. 

On Friday evening I went to see Phoebes show and on Saturday I woke up at like 9am? Early for me, and I just spent so long getting ready. Me, Grace and Lauren went to town to take Citizen card photos and then Bee came and we saw Tangled. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! Not even lying, I've downloaded the soundtrack and it's on repeat. 

Then Bee came over and we watched My Girl, had a Chinese, watched Push The Button and Take Me Out and then went to bed and fell asleep haha. Then we woke up at 8.30am and both had dreams about Justin Bieber, (Bee dreamt that she got really good tickets to his show and I dreamt that we were going out and I reallly didn't fancy him and it was really odd and we lived together in this huge house with loads of people.) LOL.

Today, I've done some French, Geography and ICT and now I'm printing everything off. My family and I went to The Plough for lunch. It was yummy. 

I only said it cause I mean it
I only mean cause it's true
So don't you doubt what I've been dreaming
Cause it fills me up and holds me close
Whenever I'm without you

Saturday 12 March 2011

Pacific Earthquake and Tsunami 11/03/2011

My thoughts are with all everyone affected by the Tsunami that hit Japan, New Zealand, Hawaii and everywhere else yesterday. It reached 8.9 on the Richter Scale and the aftershocks were just as bad.

In English we watched clips of it from the BBC News and I couldn't believe how horrible it was seeing all those people die right in front of my eyes and how quickly the Tsunami was moving. It made me feel sick that natural disasters can cause so much harm and pain to families and our environment.

Hopefully the countries affected will be able to recover and everyone involved will be remembered forever <3 R.I.P to those who died yesterday in the Tsunami and I'm thinking of everyone alive who has lost anyone special to them. X

Thursday 10 March 2011

Pint loads of tea

I've done so much work tonight without a break oh my god I feel so sick. I wrote the rest of my English essay, I finished almost all of P5, I wrote out my whole French writing again changing where Madame Bluck said I should and I wrote out ALL of Graces physics book into mine that I'd missed and the lessons I wrote on paper.

Now I am going to sleep. Goodnight :) LOL JK I'm going to eat lots of digestive biscuits and drink pint loads of tea.

Wednesday 9 March 2011


I'm doing some maths.

To do list 
1. Finish assignment 20 (17, 18 and a bit of 19)
2. Write out Key Terms for Business
3. Annotate English poems (using my new pens :P)
4. Print out my letters for work experience 
5. Eat my noodles

PS. I'm really excited about my bath later

Tuesday 8 March 2011


HAPPY PANCAKE DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY nom nom nom I'm giving up Facebook, sweets and fizzy drinks (Pepsi, Coke etc)

This post is very long

Half way through my Maths homework.
I am so excited about Prom, Bex keeps talking about it and making it sound so exciting. I think it will be nice to see people in our year that I don't really see outside of school. And how stunning everyone will look! 

This morning crazy doh, I was really grumpy and upset when I woke up and my Dad was dancing around the house saying 'YIPPIE I DON'T HAVE TO WORK TODAY!' which made me want to cry. 
Then I saw Keya at the bus stop and he said I looked terrible (or something along those lines) LOL THANKS KEYA.  AND THEN on the top of Marlow Hill, our bus decides to just stop. And whenever the driver decided to move, the bus would just fall down the hill. Soo scary, and I kept having montages of the breaks not working and everyone dying.

That was great. Then the rest of the day wasn't bad. I was thinking earlier. I'm actually going to miss Year 11 so much. It's gone so fast and so much has happened. Like, now I'm 16, and I've gone to New York and Rome and all these wonderful places in the space of one year. 

Oooh wow being very nostalgic today, Chloe.

I think, as it's about 7.30pm now, I'll finish my maths, watch 90210 (the last episode Blue Naomi) and go to bed and read. Sounds like a plan. 


Monday 7 March 2011


Hullo dere.
Today was boriiin, but it went quickly.
I squirted Grace with orange juice at break. It was funny, and then she wiped it on me. When I got home my leg was all sticky where she'd wiped it TEHE. 

Thought you'd enjoy a picture of Mitchell and Kyle, just chillin. 

To Do List

1. Finish all of P6 by tonight 
2. Do an hour or two of Art
3. Make a vlog for youtube with the videos I've got of me Lauren and Grace
4. Have dinner (Ham, egg and chips.... so English)
5. Take some calpol, 
6. Have a cup of tea 
7. Make a hot water bottle
8. Watch Corrie 
9. Get ready for bed, (brush teeth etc)
10. Go to bed and read ROOM (my new book)

Sunday 6 March 2011

This is me swallowing my pride

Hiya, sorry not blogged this weekend, Grace came over on Friday and Saturday and we were just so busy doing nothing. YOU KNOW HOW IT IS. Anyway, today she went home at about 12pm, after our bacon and egg sandwhiches, and I hoovered, showered and got on with some work. I'm just going to look for my memory stick and do some P5, and then probably be lazy.

This is my favourite type of weather, it's really sunny, and the warmth of the sun is seeping through the glass on my window and warming my back :) ah makes me so happy. 

10 minutes later
Just found my memory stick with all my ICT on it, so happy. Also my dad said 'You look lovely' which is always nice to hear. And my mum made me a tea, and I was like 'who is this for?' and she was like 'you, but I got caught up on the phone and it's cold now so I didn't want to give it to you' but it wasn't cold she's so silly it just wasn't scold-ingly hot. 


This post is a quick post to Terez from Czech Republic, I just want to say thank you for reading my blog and being so lovely, I'm surprised you think I'm a good writer I am terrible! And also to Luke Mitchell who followed me recently and we have lots in common :D (p.s I am really jealous that you have a signed Adam Brody poster) and Megs who followed me and gave me a blog award a while back. I don't know what they are, and probably won't give any out because I only really use this blog to write not necessarily connect with other bloggers.

BUT YOU THREE I love you for following me or loving my blogs or commenting or telling me I'm a great writer and just being nice enough to read my blogs. And if you do read my blog and I don't know please tell me I don't bite and hearing from you makes my day. X

Thursday 3 March 2011

I just think he's gorgeous

Ah, I am in such a good mood. Tomorrow is Friday, which means...
  • It's McFly-day on The Chris Moyles show (Radio 1)
  • One more day until the weekend
  • Second period is Yoga 
  • which is possibly the best thing of my whole week 
  • Saturday will be my lazy day
  • Well actually I may do some Art
  • and possibly some ICT (p5 especially)
  • Grace is over Saturday night and we're seeing Paul
  • Brilliant TV at the weekend (and Corrie catch ups)
  • I'm going to town to get necessities for GCSE's 
AND I'm going to charge my Flip video tonight and take in to school tomorrow and this weekend with Grace we will FINALLY make a vlog. I'm so excited haha.

Oh also, I just looked up Zachary Levi singing at the Oscars because Bee reminded me to watch it. AND I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS THE MAN IN TANGLED. MADE ME WANNA WATCH IT SO MUCH MORE. Purely for my ever growing love for him. I just think he's gorgeous. 

Tonight I'm just doing bits and bobs, changing my options, writing letters to some places I'd like to do work experience at andddd some homework. Lovely.

Wednesday 2 March 2011


Tuesday 1 March 2011

Kurt Cobain

Sometimes I have days where I'm feeling tedious and deicide to look up something, and recently it's all been people who have influenced the world but have been really ill or taken drugs and been brilliant actors or musicians and then died horribly. 

Firstly I googled Heath Ledger, then John Lennon and now Kurt Cobain, and it's weird knowing people still talk about them today and they died so long ago... Well Heath Ledger is an exception. And I'll probably start becoming obsessed with Elvis now.

It's only because I wasn't even born when Kurt Cobain died, and I've heard a couple of his songs before obviously, in English last year we were doing Moulin Rouge for our media essay and their song 'Smells Like Teen Spirt' was in one of the dancing scenes
So, apart from general observation from people, like Kyle ranting about him on one of his nexusone videos, I don't know anything at all.

And I'M RANTING TOO, but basically, he wrote journals about his life and it's astounding. My journals and blogs are no where near as in depth and honest as his. You can tell by the scribbles and crossed out words he's literally writing straight onto the paper with so much emotion. Wow I'm such a damp squib. 

These are my favourite parts of his journal. I feel a little bit bad reading it, because it is so private, but I have so much respect for him, especially after reading about his struggle with pot and how it ruined his memory. 

Good wolf

An old Chief was teaching his Grandson about life.
He said, there's a great fight going on inside all of us, it's a fight between two wolves. One is evil, he is anger, envy, guilt, sorrow, an ego. And the other is good, he is joy, love, hope, truth and faith.
The Grandson asked "Which wolf will win?"
and the Chief replied "The one you feed."

This is a chance for you to feed the good wolf.