Thursday 30 June 2011

All In A Day - The Open Sea

Lauren just MMS'ed me a picture of our Feastival Tickets I AM SO EXCITED.

I still haven't had a shower, I really need to. My book came, it's A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams :) I am excited about reading it but I'm really worried I won't be able to do English next year if I don't get good enough grades. Makes me feel sick thinking about it.

Downloaded the One Tree Hill soundtrack for the first episode of Series 8. I REALLY NEED A SHOWER! Okay I think I will go have one now. Bubi x

Wednesday 29 June 2011

So tired and really fancy Jake

Prom wasn't too bad but like I thought, it wasn't as good as it was hyped up to be. However afterwards some of my best friends and I all went to Laurens house and chilled.

I only got about three hours sleep from 6am til 9am and now I'm sitting watching One Tree Hill, it's the one where Jake is back for a bit and Payton wants him to stay the night, and Brooke and Nigahiga are officially dating.

And also Nathan and Hayley are having a rocky relationship once again woopsie. Aw I want a boyfriend.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

So today is Prom

And I'm not in the mood at all!

I think it's because my face looks soooo orange, and I am hungry because I've not had breakfast yet, and I am really really nervous about everything.

Especially since we do not have an after party yet and it's so poopie.

And Grace and I are getting our hair styled today and we are sooo worried it's going to go wrong :( okay bye for now!!!!! 

Monday 27 June 2011

Love Like Woah

How can I say no? She's got a love like woah.

Laurens here, we're going to school, then we're getting spray tans, then tomorrow is PROM omg wow it's come by so fast ahhhh. 

Sunday 26 June 2011

Saturday 25 June 2011

BBQ with the girlies

Such an incredible day today!
The weather was fantastic which really helped make my bbq so brill :p 

Also I've had such a life recently that I've not had enough time to catch up on my youtube friends and videos, which I normally watch every evening!
So I will watch all them today which will take up about 2 hours of my time. And then hoover my room (exciting) and then watch THREE episodes of new Dexter with my parents, how exciting.

So all in all I am very happy, chilled and excited about Summer. 
NO MORE EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Mid-Year resolutions

Is this a normal thing?
Resolutions in between the year? Because I'd like to make one.

take care of my skin/health
do my best at gcse's
be nicer to everyone
drink more water
NO hypochondriac behaviour

These are my resolutions so far. But I want to add. 'do more exercise' but I'm not sure how to keep motivated. Poop my life.

La La Love

I just want you to know I'm never coming home.

I AM SO HAPPY :) Life is so good, Kirsty's was better than expected, the pancakes Bex made were delicious and when we were washing up we listened to
1. Mulan - I'll Make a Man Out of You
2. Bob Marley - Be Happy
3. Taylor Trash - What's Her Face

Happy times.

And only one more exam left, that is just too exciting. And I'm having boiled egg on toast for dinner, nom nom nom!! Enjoy x

I'm in such a lovely mood

Listening to Hey Hi Hello - Right Here.

Literally just about to go to Kirsty's to revise with Bex yay I'm so excited. I am so happy it's almost Summer AHHHHH. So many amazing things happening this summer, I'm sure it will be the best one yet. And it will be so carefree and wonderful.

Baby if you need me I'll be right here. 

Tuesday 21 June 2011

I'm watching Take Me Out

I am so happy.

Bee came over today and we watched 'The Sweetest Thing' and went for a walk to the park. I love u Beefie ♥ Tomorrow I'm going to Kirsty's and I can't wait, be so nice to just catch up and do some proper revision, I haven't done any all weeek! 

Also just found loads of pics on my camera TEHE.

Excited about tomorrow

And the rest of the week for that matter.

Bee is over tomorrow and we're just going to catch up yey.
Then on Wednesday, I'm going to Kirsty's with Bex to 'revise' Geography.
Friday, my besties and I are going to get our nails done and see Bridesmaids and then Saturday I'm having everyone over for a BBQ. I hope it is nice weather.

I'm so tired. I honestly have no idea why I am awake.
Ok on that note I'm sleepy bye.

P.s: This month has gone so fast omg.

Sunday 12 June 2011

I got tumblr again for the third time

I thought since my exams are almost over and I have a really long summer I might get tumblr back again because I miss looking at all the lovely pictures.

So it will be purely for me to just collect lots of pretty pictures and put them on to another blog. I've done three topics of Geography today and my head is going to explode if I do not make myself a cup of tea in 5 minutes so I will leave you with this....

Friday 10 June 2011

11 down 4 to go

So close to finishing all of my exams! By the end of next week I will only have one exam left! Actually cannot wait until Summer, I hope it's nice weather so I can get a tan. And I hope I actually go out instead of staying at home and eating all the time :( Lol that would suck...

Plans for Summer;

  1. Prom on Tuesday 28th June
  2. Wireless on Friday 1st July
  3. Cornwall with Grace and Lauren from 8th-12th July
  4. Work experience with G.K.C.S 13th-15th July
  5. Cornwall with Lauren 25th-30th July 
  6. Turkey from 13th-23rd August 
  7. GCSE Results day on 25th August (feel sick thinking about it)
  8. And in amongst all of this I must spend at least 1 day a week with Bee <3 
And I really want to buy a Diet and Fitness journal because Lauren and I are going to eat more healthy and do more exercise so it will keep me motivated because I love organizing with to-do lists and diaries etc :)  
I'm going to hers now omg she just called to say she's picking me up AHH haha I need to rush to get my stuff ready haha BYE!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

When I'm older I want my boyfriend to wake me up in the middle of the night and tell me he's taking me somewhere, but it's a surprise so he won't tell me where.
He'll then drive to the unknown destination in pitch black and I'll be so excited that I won't sleep in the car. When we arrive at the beach the sun will just be rising and he will get the breakfast picnic he'd already prepared out which will consist of croissants, jam, orange juice, waffles and fruit and then we will sleep until midday.

The end.

I've never heard silence quite this loud

It really doesn't feel like a Wednesday today.
It feels like I don't have any more exams left which is annoying because I have 5. I am mostly worried about Maths though which is on Friday. I need to go do some revision soooon.

Went to Bex's today and it was lovely except Lauren was mean lol, but when we went on the trampoline we were all giving each other electric shocks which was very funny and I'm smiling while I'm writing this just thinking about it haha.
We got Bexy a Tiffany heart shaped pendant and it looks so nice on her, I WANT ONE :P

Going to have a take away tonight (lol see what I mean it feels like the weekend or something) and I don't want to because I am gonna try and watch my weight :'(

Poop okay whatever I'll start tomorrow or not eat much tonight. Stressful times call for desperate measures (eating lots of crap and then feeling bad about it/sick). 

Monday 6 June 2011

Breaking Dawn trailer lol

I'm in such a good mood because Maths (non-calculator) and Business are over!

I have Physics tomorrow at 1pm and Maths (calculator) on Friiiiday. But Bex's birthday is on Wednesday so we're going to hers which will be luvely.

After those exams I only have ICT, Biology and Geography which I enjoy so I am not too worried about it because I actually like revising for them. (Well Bio and Geog).

So yes, very good mood. As I expected. Even though I feel like the last 5 questions on that Maths paper were horrific. And tonight is Glee (lol never usually watch it might revise Physics), Made In Chelsea (yeyeye) and I'm going to record the MTV music awards because I thiiiink they are on tonight also.

Fun times. Okay it's 5pm now so if I do a good 4 hours tonight (- Dinner) then hopefully if I wake up early and do some more tomorrow I will feel good for Physics.

Au-revoir daaaalings

(I will look back over this next year and cringe at the fact that I said 'daaalings', but I need to remind myself. I was being Edna Mole from The Incredibles... which makes it far less cring-ey)

Friday 3 June 2011

Everybody hurts just a little too much

Everybody hurts but it's never enough,
It's wonderful to fall,
Let's love and risk it all, 
I'd rather love just a little too much.

I really wanted to see Something Borrowed when it came out but its not in the cinema nearest to me anymore. How sad. Well today I'm doing day 2 and 3 of my 'learn maths in a week' book. And I've got an edexcel checklist for maths and I'm ticking through that hehe. 

Also I love Natasha Bedingfield so so much at the moment, well I always have. But recently all her songs are just everywhere. Strip Me, Pocket Full of Sunshine, and A Little Too Much. 
But if I ever quoted any of her lyrics I'd sound like a loser. 
I kinda wish I hadn't gone out so much this week, but I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday to properly focus on Maths and Business. And in the evenings I'll read over my Physics books.

Last night I went to see The Hangover part II which was very funny. Such a quotable film but my favourite part was when one of them got shot and Stu was just screaming. IT WUZ HIIILLARIOUS!

Thursday 2 June 2011

You're the cigarette, and I'm the smoker

TV is so good at the mo, it's giving me something to look forward to after revising. How sad. 

Monday: Made in Chelsea
Tuesday: Geordie Shore
Wednesday: The Apprentice 
Thursday: Waterloo Road from Wednesday
Friday: Desperate Housewives from Sunday probs

and also Corrie and BGT have been on all week and even doh BGT isn't that great Corrie is amazing so it evens out. John is so irritating I want to punch him in the face. I love Chesney tho :P

I am so tired. I'll leave you with this video. 