Monday 7 March 2011


Hullo dere.
Today was boriiin, but it went quickly.
I squirted Grace with orange juice at break. It was funny, and then she wiped it on me. When I got home my leg was all sticky where she'd wiped it TEHE. 

Thought you'd enjoy a picture of Mitchell and Kyle, just chillin. 

To Do List

1. Finish all of P6 by tonight 
2. Do an hour or two of Art
3. Make a vlog for youtube with the videos I've got of me Lauren and Grace
4. Have dinner (Ham, egg and chips.... so English)
5. Take some calpol, 
6. Have a cup of tea 
7. Make a hot water bottle
8. Watch Corrie 
9. Get ready for bed, (brush teeth etc)
10. Go to bed and read ROOM (my new book)

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