Thursday 10 February 2011

People throw rocks at things that shine

My mum just gave me some Pepsi. I love Pepsi. Lots and LOTS. I am addicted its a crisis! Hello Ke$ha lyrics :P

I also feel a bit of a cold coming on, this is NOT OKAY.

I'm learning my French oral, hopefully seeing my ACAs on Monday and tomorrow. Done my business and maths homework tonight and learnt the first two paragraphs of my French, but it will probably be all changed/forgotten by tomorrow.

Anyway, my oral is on Tuesday the 15th, and then my birthday is on Friday the 18th! My birthday is never at school so I'm really looking forward to it, yayayay.
Then on the 19th I am going to New York for five days, I cannot wait!! Hopefully I'll have a bit of money from my bday so I can spend it all muahahahah :)

Corries very good at the moment, like always.

I love this picture, I got it off Tumblr, aw!

I can't stop listening to Ours by Taylor Swift, uh oh. Another song that I will love for a month, over play, and never listen to it again!!!!!! FAB.

Well, I'm going to look at my french for a bit, have a shower at 21.00 and then read/go to bed. AND BBM PEOPLE :) 

Really rubbish blog today it's kinda all over the place, I promise that it will be better... One day. 
I was going to say 'After New York' but then I was like... nah revision, so basically you're just going to have to wait 3 months.

And if you've managed to read all of this without getting bored, I love you. 

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