Monday 26 April 2010

Year 10 examinations timetable, lovely!

Hey hum, pigs bum
Today was the first day back to school for me and it was so lovely to see everyone aw, some people I hadn't seen for 3 weeks or a month! Ridiculous. Stupid Icelandic volcano! Anyway I got my timetable for the May/June tests and I'm actually a bit nervous, especially about Geography, Business and Maths. In fact, I'm not too bothered about Maths, just the other two cause they're real GCSE's ah.
Today me Sophie, Kirsty and Laura did Ultimate Frisbee for inter form which is probably the stupidest most un-inventive sport ever created. Seriously, its like the rules of netball but instead of a ball or a basket its a frikin' frisbee. WHY? It's also not as fun and highly frustrating when the frisbee is thrown in the other direction *cough Kirsty cough* or hits you in the boob (Sophie hehe) or the back of your head!
I spose its quite funny when people have to run to chase after it.

So yeah better go revise, cya wudn wana b ya !

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