Saturday 29 January 2011

Black Swan

Black Swan

I saw Black Swan last night with Lauren and Polly. It was very dark and at times I actually screamed out loud it made me so frightened. I had my hands over my eyes for most of the scary scenes, but I could still hear the cries and screaming and urgh it was sooo scary. 
Luckily Lauren slept over so if I had had nightmares I wouldn't be alone. 

That was weird, someone just called the house phone asking for someone called Claire? 
Me: Hello?
Weirdo: Hello *mumble mumble* Claire?
Me: Er, hello?
Weirdo: Is that Claire?
Me: Er.. no?
Weirdo: Oh sorry must have the wrong number then
End of conversation. 

So, the film is basically about this dancer Nina (Natalie Portman) who portrays the White Swan (innocent, sweet etc) and she earns the role of Swan Queen in Swan Lake. And it basically shows how she almost transforms into the Black Swan, which symbolises seduction and lust I think.... Very creepy/dark stuff. But good film, I give it 4/5 and probably will never see it again!!!!!!!! 

We saw Cj and his HILARIOUS sister too. He came and sat by Polly and his sister was like
"CJ! You didn't even wait to open the door for me?! Why are you sitting with these girls?!"
and he was just like "Go save us some seats."

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