Friday 27 August 2010

Hi, my ear is hurting me

I went to the doctors today at 9am, which was hard enough. But before then I had a dream I was in a bus with my family and a really horrible woman set the pavement on fire and we couldn't get out the bus in time and I could see the flames all over my body but I couldn't feel anything so I was like....'EVERYBODY GET UP PLEASE! Please get up we need to get out!' Tears were streaming down my face and I was shouting at the woman who did it. Then I woke up and lay in bed for a bit like...oh dear. 

Then I told my mum and she laughed. Haha made me feel better to know it's completely ridiculous and would never actually happen.. well. I dunno actually that may not have been her intention. She may have just been laughing at me. I am quite funny. Lol jokes. 

So yeah I've got an ear infection. My jaw and all of my right ear ACHES. Like hell. I think the reason I had that dream about fire was cause yesterday was the first time I ever saw the video to Love The Way You Lie. I was self consciously watching it though cause me and Coop were singing....weird. My dream was just like it, but instead of a house and Eminem, it was a bus and me. LOWL but I do love Eminem <3 

I'm going to Bee's tonight, so excited I've missed her so much, she's been in California and on road trips and everything. I'm so jealous of her she's such a lucky girly. Gonna reply to like 4 texts now I FEEL SO POPULAR! They're only from Grace, Bee, Kirsty and Keya though so not really that popular, or popular at all lol and one isn't even a text its a bbp. 


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