Monday 11 June 2012

I'm going to prorogue my History homework until Thursday

That's my word of the day from Google. How cool.

I'm really restless and tired this evening, which is really odd because I've had a good sleep etc. It must be this horrible drizzley weather - it's honestly reminding me of the horrible months when summers ended when the weather just gets slushy and gross - which I like sometimes but not if I'm a month away from my summer holidays and want sunshine!!!!!!!! EKKK

Also Leavers ball is in two weeks - WHAT? Stress. I still need to find some nice earrings, decide on my jewellery and get my dress shortened (cause I'm short hehe).

Also Sam is still revising and it's really annoying because I know that the moment he has no more exams (and basically has NOTHING to do and can enjoy his summer) I will start getting stressed over A Levels and have to do lots of work for SLT and stuff. Owh bum that might be why I'm restless.

Also, there are lots of also's today - sorry! I am stressing out about Spain. EEEEEEeeH.

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