Sunday 10 June 2012

Auntie Chloe

Hello blog! 

I've been super duper busy since my exams finished, my work times are different (they've been that way for a while) and now I work every Saturday 1pm til 7pm and I love it. My mum just came in with a cheese and ham sandwich mmm mmm :-).

Also I just spent a week in Cornwall with Lauren, Grace, Lucy, Phoebe, my two dogs and my parents :-) It was so lovely to spend time with them all again and not have to worry about revision anymore. However on the topic of revision, Sam unfortunately still has his A2 exams in the next two weeks so he's been a busy bee getting on with lots of work, luckily I got to see him yesterday.

We've officially been going on 6 months today waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Feels a lot longer to me but it's nice cause this month we have his Leavers ball and Spain to look forward to and a nice even number of months that we'll have been together for :-) Happy Chlo.

His mum called me Auntie Chloe infront of Isabelle (Sams niece) today too and said they missed me while I was away :-)))))))))))) Best feeling in the wuuuurld.

I do miss Bee though a LOT and can't wait to get back into the routine of school again for the next month or so. And I can finally start catching up on tv I've missed like 90210, New Girl, Desperate housewives (although I've actually been quite good with that -- the last ever episode is on tonight :-( cry) and some others I'm sure.

Nom nom nom munching through my sandwich then I'm going to tidy my room. I also want to look at possible Universities today aswell because I need to start booking open days - not very organised Chlo.

SO That's my life at the moment, I'm a very very very happy bunny.

P.s I bought myself a YSL ring :) awww yeah. It's beautiful x

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