Saturday 23 October 2010

lol great dream Chloe, Shane Dawson peeing on your hand.

I had a dram about Shane Dawson!
I literally just woke up and only remember little bits of it, but when I went on DailyBooth I was like 'I haven't seen a pic of Shane in a while' and then I was like OH MY GOD.

So basically, (this is how all my stories start lol). I was looking after this little baby and her name was Katie Holmes cause I remember being like to her mum... what's her name again, and she was like KATIE HOLMES, JESUS! So yeh. And this Katie girl was like........1ish but she could talk fluently.

And so, previously I'd been watching Shane get his camera and film stuff, put it next to girls vaginas and just be his general self, but instead of it being weird or perverted it was just funny. And then he came over to me and did it while I was sitting down, and I remember laughing, but then I punched him in the balls!! And his eyes started to water and he was like 'I'm sorry I just pee'd on your hand'. I looked at my hand and he was right, lol great dream Chloe, Shane Dawson is peeing on your hand.

BUT THEN, he goes 'At least it's not as bad as the Jessica Alba situation' (p.s. Me and Shane Dawson are really close in my dream, like I didn't even apologise for hitting him in the balls and he still carried on talking to me and it was so comfortable and content.
So, I go, 'What's the Jessica Alba situation?' and he explains and I go into this vision of it in my dream, that Jessica Alba and Shane Dawson are sitting in a hot tub/jaccuzzi or something, and Shane Dawson is peeing himself and she's like EWWWW! And there are bubbles in the jaccuzzi,  loads of them. And Shane KISSES her on the lips and she backs away and he looks at the camera (aka me) and he looks very very VERY sexy. And then Seth Cohen comes along (but its Adam Brody not Seth, they're both very different) and Jessica Albas like 'I already have a boyfriend, thanks.' SO YEAH.

That leaves:
Shane: Heartbroken but BFF's with me
Jessica Alba: Still a bitch that I hate cause she stole Jason Dolley from me when I was 11
Adam Brody: The bitches whore

TO BE CONTINUED! Lol jk it was a dream

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