Friday 6 April 2012

Spring/Revision playlist

I'm drinking a well deserved cup of tea after about 3 hours of sorting out dis bladdy timetable for my exams. It is now complete hoho! And I also made a revision playlist, mainly for Spring and the car rides to school but its just a bunch of my fave songs to save me always going onto youtube ehehe.


I wrote this aggeess ago at like 10 or something and then my computer turned off. So I left it. I'm in bed now texting Sam and relaxing. I watched Jersey Shore earlier and then a bit of Juno, I am going to get up at 8 today so I can start revising at 9 and get ready for work at 12 (I'm going to wear my new purple blazer. Then I'm going to work 1 til 7 then come home, shower and fake tan :))))) In preparation for Easter woooo and seeing Sam :)))))

Happy Chloe is happy.

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