January: I remember last year talking to Lauren about how I was going to count how many poos I did, I gave up after like, two days. Haha sorry TMI
Febuary: Graces, mine and Genas birthday, and my favourite, SPAIN 2010
March: Egypt <3
April: The month I properly started my blog <3
May: Cornwall with Grace x2
June: I discovered Dailybooth and De Vere
July: Cornwall with my lovely cousins and Grandparents, 'what a great gift!'
August: Roma!
September: School starts again :|
October: Pollys birthday 'what's up silly pumpkin head?'
November: Lauren and Phoebes birthday (no photos atm)
December: Christmas and I love my family
•try harder in school - concentrate & listen more for my exams and everything else
•be nicer to people and be less judgemental
•take care of my body - eat healthier, keep my skin in good condition etc
•drink more water
•get a boyfriend
•try not to cry as much - be happier in general
•go out more and do more things