Really enjoying being back on my blog after two weeks I think I might write another post! About the calender I just found and added to excel.. really exciting...
Also at lunch today my darling nine and I were playing this game, not too sure what its called but I'm sure the others do. Where you have to say a word and the person next to you has to say a word that relates to it.. Can't really say what words we were using on my blog because some of them are a bit too rude. I'll say one though...Toe.
UM????? The word 'blog' has a squiggly red line underneath it because apparently its not recognised..The words it thinks I'm trying to spell is glob, bog, log, slog and biog...Is glob even a real word?
HAHA it is in fact a real word, I have proof http://www.thefreedictionary.com/glob honestly this website has given me, Tigs, Iona and Sophie far too much fun in ICT. Especially when you look up Fa-Nniee!
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