Sunday, 12 May 2013

I can't do work because I have a headache

So instead, I am going to upload some piccies here hehe!

My nana and granddad came over on Saturday before I went to work, then after work I went to Pizza express with Sam to celebrate 17 months :-) Today, my grandma and granddad came over for dinner and we had a lovely roast and I did some revision whilst the other watched Leicester vs Watford.

These are some piccies from my birthday this year :-) My 18th was the best birthday of my liiiife.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Will you still love me, when I'm no longer YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL

I am drinking something called Rubicon Passion and listening to Lana Del Ray. Cool life ;-)

I am in such a terrible mood I thought I'd rant on here. Today was really sad at school :-( I was fine but I had a business mock and then listening to sad songs in the car on the way home made me and Grace all emotional. Then we had a fam argument when I got home and now I just feel really pooey. 

I am just so sad about leaving school after all these years... almost 8! And not being able to ever see my friends in the same place at school ever again doing our usual routine and even thinking about it now makes me really teary and upset. 

I never thought I'd be this upset, I knew I'd cry but I am feeling SO LOW. I don't like change, I am a creature of habit! Nothing should ever change. I always talk about how perfect EVERYTHING is in my life. My family. My friends. My boyfriend. My school life. Being 18. I even quite like 'pretending' to revise but secretly going on Facebook and Twitter. And watching Youtube videos :-) 

This is the first time I have really thought about this sooo much. I know I have soo much to look forward to and this isn't going to be the last time I see any of my friends, but it will be hard to stay in contact with everyone and eventually I will ultimately lose contact with some friends :-( I just hope that isn't for a very long time, and I hope Facebook stays strong and our 'friends' group... and our Princess whatsapp group! X