My horoscope for tomorrow: Deep wounds don't usually get better overnight Aquarius, and even if they do heal quicker than expected the scar will take time to fade. That's funny cause I'm poorly with a cough and keep thinking I'll be fine by Monday, because Monday is school and I can't be ill at school. Right? Wrong.I definitely can and most likely will be. Poor little old me.
Sam leaves for University tomorrow. It's that time of month. And I've got the most AWFUL chesty cough but surprisingly I don't feel that bad, it's the first time in ages everyone in my family is home together at the weekend and I think that Sam going will give me more time to focus on my personal statement, homework and revision and also writing my blog and my diary :-) and putting together his 'one year anniversary' present.
My insides feel so so sore. I need some more sleep. Night night x